April 15, 2016

Pomarj Empire

The party who was playing Temple of elemental Evil, and other "classics" experienced a split off at the end of the G1. Some of my old players had the willing to play their old favored (and over powered) characters. So I looked a place, in Flanaess, suited for their kind of fantasy.
That's why I chosen Pomarj. Orcs are much more interesting adversaries, because of their lawful nature. In my opinion are more able to surprise my players than endless hordes of demons from Yuz.
You may not know about it, but most of the Wild Coast was invaded by orcs two generations ago. A dozen baronies, with its entire population, reduced to slavery. It's a very interesting place too because of mounts of gold that lays in forgotten ruins.

The dragonnel.
the species is now virtually extinct except in Pomarj. In this region, these monsters were captured, tamed, and are used as stead by the lords ruling among the humanoid hordes that plague the place.
Fortunately, there are too few of these creatures to pose a serious threat to neighboring states, even though it is rumored that dozens of dragonnel riders have been sighted along the Wild Coast.


Beasts Lords
    Commanding hordes of wild animals
Death Lords
    Necromancers who enjoy unlimited supply of            fresh victims among slaves
Slave Lords
    Those from the "A" series
Sea Lords
    Commanding galley fleets, powered by slaves, of     course.
War Lords
    Leaders of goblins tribes, details as following :

Wicked Eye & Wolfbrother goblins (500 "horse"-bowmen), all other tribes would laugh at goblins without their terrible warg allies. They form the backbone of the Pomarj cavalry, because no horse can survive for long among monsters. Over time clever goblin leaders like Gomothlor were able to form other alliances with powerful outsiders like the terrible Scro.

Wormridden "Tree" & Hill Beater Goblins (500 sappers), the first were at the origin the the large camp now know as Hells Kitchen. They work in forges to built good steel weapons and armor witch are the main reason of Pomarj expansion during the last fifteen years. Ferocity of chaotic tribes and good supply do miracles, or catastrophes, depending of the side of the axe you stand. The Hill Beaten are specialized in sapper works and war engines use, witch are provided by Wormridden engineers as well.