May 15, 2016

Fax - Wild Coast - Before GW

A very old open (no walls) free port of ten thousand souls (LN). It is famous for its shipyards and ship chandlery.

First sight, the Port:

all the riffraff and pirates that come to Fax are gathered in this area. Few of those who anchor see anything else of the city. One of these pirates, Captain Skulljack, even managed to pretend that he was the master and to swindle a tax from passing travelers. The militia keeps a close eye on everything that happens here and discreetly intervenes by inviting offenders to the circus.

The city is ruled by a council of merchants but in fact by the Potentate Nader. Many slaves from northern realms end here, as the other choice for them is the Pomarj. Fax is well known in southern realms for its bestiarii fights arena and for its horse races.
Government: plutocratic dictatorship, former legislative plutocratic. An assembly of rich merchants from the city: the Archons still exist, they debate for civil laws.
 The former Potentate took power for himself but mysteriously disappear a year ago. Nader has been co opted by his pairs, the other Archons.

Government members : Chambellant, in charge of the palace; Chancellor, name the city judges; Prevost, in charge of the militia (recently assassinated), Seneschal, in charge of relations with guilds and Archontes of the city; Intendant, in charge of collect of dues and taxes, coin money; Egemont, Admiral of the fleet.

Trade: shipyards, sails, ropes, tar, masts (from Badwall), salt (gem), horses. 
Guilds: carpenters (naval), weapons and armour smiths (specialised in heavy naval weapons and protection, ballista, catapult, ship spur, copper hull armour), goldsmith, furrier, herdsman, weaver, mercenary, armor-smith,  miller, black-smith, fisherman, tanner, winemaker, mason, cooper, locksmith, shoemaker, saddler, innkeeper, butcher, potter, boatman.
Imports: wood, fibres, fabrics, iron, copper, coal, slaves.
Tax: 2% of all commercial deals inside the city. Collected by militia in exchange of marks.

Shops: well stocked, PHB and DMG listed prices, armours and weapons +15%, ships and chandlery -10%. Big slave markets. Those who arrive in the city are from common law, from different kingdoms and may have paid to be here, as other possible destination is the Pomarj.
Most artisans work on the streets or have mobile shops to avoid taxes.

Troops: 1200 militias, most of them are on galleys of the fleet as seafaring archers and troops. The city holds a 200 riders corp for patrolling along the coasts.

Thieves Guild: disorganized, thieves are independent.

Assassin: members of the Archontes. They cannot be called upon directly. The militia reports to them on the murders that take place in the city to eliminate freelance assassins.

Temple of Fharlanghn N(G). The Golden Lighthouse of Fax. Led by the Wayfinder of Fax, Elione Duroc P10, female. She is in her mid 50s. Dressed in tan and brown simple dress. 2d6 clerics and priests and priestess lvl 1-6 are working under her command.
People come here to ensure good winds and weather at sea, giving money to the temple. When a tempest arises, a beacon of light appears at the top of the temple central tower as a warning to ships as far as 5 miles.

Temple of Kord G(C). Ludus of Kord, led by Bisko Herkos, Champion of Fax, Pr10 h. male. People come here for training their slaves, for betting on arena fights and horse races and for healing. They give money to the temple. Bisko is known to offer to buy slaves to freed them, with money from cure spells he casts. He is a short and very fit man in his 50s, dressed in white short toga. He use a wooden enchanted club of vine wood and giant strength potions. The temple houses many fighters as guards an trainers 2d12 lvl 2-7 Ftr. They are former slaves who dedicated their lives to Kord - and to Bisko. There is 1d6 lesser clerics of lvl 1-6

Temple of Boccob N(L). The Theatre of Wonders. Led by the Great Story Teller, Godmund Nader Pr9 h. male. He is the Potentate's young brother. People come here for entertainment. Authors and actors lives in the temple and play dramas and comedies. Merchants use the temple to seek mutual assistance from their fellows. Every services must be payed a fair price to the temple.
The temple holds a library and can buy and sell magic items. Godmund is a young man in his 40s, dressed in purple jacket and large pants, wearing a powdered wig. He is using a Staff of Command and many protection items, since a riot nearly destroyed the temple. He is currently planning to build a golem, under the direction of more powerful Boccob priests. There is 2d6 lesser priests and priestess, lvl 1-4 under his command as well as a group of 10 bodyguards lvl 1-2 Ftr

Temple of Beory N(N) The Rock of Fey. Led by the Voice of Rivers, Leïra Bogda, Pr7 h. female. People support the temple for rain, as there is no river near Fax for sewers or drinkable water, water rain tanks are vital and strategic matter. People offer flowers, fruits and vegetables to the goddess and money to the temple. On holydays they offer horses for sacrifice, sometime after a horse race victory. Criminals are offered in sacrifice too as sentence of death is by drowning of charged criminals.
Leïra is a beautiful woman in her mid age. She wears white and blue dress of precious fabrics. She manages registry of weddings and births of the city. Priest and priestess of Beory organize them. There is 2d10 priests and priestess under the temple authority, but they live in different shrines all around Fax.

Temple of Istus N(N) The Mirror of Destiny, led by Ouna Val, Weaver of Destiny, Pr7 h. female. People come here for divination spells. Ouna is a woman in his late 60s, with long white hairs. She wears white and black robes and use a walking stick. There in 2d6 lesser priests and priestess in the temple.

Old faith shrine: mostly dedicated to Procan N(C). This shrine was built with remnants of galleys of the victorious battle of Wooly Bay. Sailors go there to offer  handmade ivory figures to have good winds and weather. Some of them can be clerics, up to the 3rd lvl.

Place  of interest : 

Palace of the Potentate, with gardens and terraces. Numerous parties are organized here, because the government wants to keep the nobility busy.

The Castelet, general quarter of the militia and dungeon for the question. The common law prisoners are send to the Arena.

The arena, built in sandstone bricks, on eight supporting pillars, all around the building. The spaces between the pillars serve as a prison and a zoo for the wild animals, as well as a hall for the markets. During the performances, banners are hoisted on masts on top of the stands. Sails are mounted on rods to shelter the spectators from the sun.

Five thousand people can be accommodated in these spaces. Gladiator fights and bestiarii are organized there. The citizens who are pursued for debt have the choice: the arena or the galleys. They are deprived of their rights and freedom, become slaves. Those who survived were freed.

Archontes palace, former parliament and seat of the Gildes. Twenty-two trades are represented. At least three have trading posts with other cities (see above). All of them have from one to three families of Archontes at their head. The building itself occupies several blocks of houses and has many towers.

Noble houses, the city contains several dozen residences of the members of the Archontes. One of them is that of the Nader family, a member of the guild of forgers, a military engineer.

Priakos, warehouses of goods protected by mercenaries and magically. Several merchants from different guilds can share them. The richest Archontes have their own priakos. Originally, these warehouses were used to store foodstuffs that were abundant at one time of the year, to sell them later, in times of shortage.

Hippodrome, a new form of circus game appeared under the impulse of the new Potentate. The stands are, for the moment, made of wood and the track is made of clay, but its capacity is eight thousand seats.

The Potentat Nader knows that Fax has to find ally against Pomarj threat. Ambassadors had been sent to Selune courts, in Verbobonc, Dyers and Greyhawk to establish assistance ties as well as commercial treaties. It is a difficult task since most of these realms does now much about Wild coast situation and does not care.