March 12, 2016

Verbobonc Sages & Wizards

Male human Sage, neutral 6 th lvl Magic User in his late fourty. Thin with matted grey hair and large blue eyes, wearing spectacles and the symbol of Boccob on the breast of his simple dark blue robe.
He keeps on him a ring of Boccob, an enchanted Staff, brought to him by Cynea and a dagger of venom as a last resort.
He is a quiet and discrete man, poet and author of some renown. He is well known to the court of Celene, were he is seen as a Sage too.
Helmund dislikes to have people behind him.
Str 9, Int 15, Wis 11, Dex 11, Con 13, Cha 14
Minor field : Genealogy, necromancy
Major field : Theology and Myths (human), Theology and Myths (elf)

Male human Map maker and Sage, neutral 6th lvl Magic User in his thirty. He has thick auburn hair and soft grey eyes. He wears worn clothing from his former adventurer life, a pair of bracers AC 4, wield a quarterstaff +2 and a dagger of throwing.
He is a honest soft-hearted man fond of good dishes and wine.
Str 12, Int 15, Wis 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Cha 13
Minor field : Cooking and Winery, History, Legend and Folklore (human)
Major field : Geography. This brought him famous in many Flanaess courts as he kept many maps and atlas in his possession. He  is able to reproduce them at will and keep many friendships and interest in different merchant guilds.

Female human, lawful neutral 12th lvl Magic User in her fifty. She has a round face with thin grey hair and amber eyes. She wear green robes of the eyes and wield an enchanted quarterstaff +2 and darts +3. Cynea as an animal companion, a copper female firedrake named Wolda.
Charming and soft voiced, she had many affairs with different noblemen of the visconty in her young years.
She is the head of wizard mentors of Verbobonc,
a charge that she takes very seriously as many of their pupils are from noble families of the viscounty.
She is well known as magic items builder and reseller.
Str 9, Int 16, Wis 11, Dex 15, Con 10, Cha 13

Male human Sage, neutral 7th lvl Magic User in his sixty. He has a narrow face, with white hair and sharp amber eyes.
He wears well-made clothing and wields a staff of striking and a Dagger +2.
He is Cynea assistant in magical item preparation and enchantments. A master in procurement of rare and exotic components. Deep thinking and sure handed, he is questioned for medical problems as he kept numerous epistolary relations with high priests and other sages.
Helmaer seeks to atone for past sins.
Str 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Cha 15.
Minor field : Fungi
Major field : Biology Flora, Biology Fauna, Anatomy Human, Alchemy

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